Week 12 Part B: Business Specific Tools

 Blogs I Commented On and Thoughts: 

Encinitas Donuts - This is a very different business from mine with a sellable product and a physical location. I thought it was interesting that we had similar findings with LinkedIn and MeetUp. Her search on MeetUp did seem to be a little more fruitful than mine, and I reallly liked the idea of the coffee and donuts collaboration. Instead of meeting up with someone or something that has the exact same product she thought of something that goes well together. This way, people can get the best of both worlds because who doesn't like coffee and donuts. Encinitas Donuts is already on Google and Yelp. These wouldn't work for my business, but they do seem to help with this business. Yelp is a great way to receive direct feedback on the product and establishment. 

lil_K0ala Live Streaming - Live Streaming is a business similar to mine with being an online outlet for entertainment rather than selling products. I saw that he had mentioned something about an audio library on Spotify but hadn't gone in to much detail so I think that I'll have to do a little bit of research on my own about it. 

North County Fam Children and Parenting - I really enjoyed this post because she has had some actual experience with an outlet of our research by meeting people through MeetUp. It didn't dawn on me that I could create my own groups until I saw that she had mentioned possibly creating a group of her own. Like...just because I didn't find any female podcaster groups doesn't mean that I myself couldn't make one! I might have to give MeetUp another chance. She had also mentioned possibly using Yelp for her business and I didn't know that Yelp could be used for online or entertainment based businesses. I'll have to do some research into some online businesses that have reviews on Yelp to see if it's an outlet that I would want to use for my own podcast. 

Dark Sided Strength - This post had some great insight with social networking and live streaming. I mentioned in my comment that social networking with likeminded individuals could be really beneficial for his business. This made me think of my podcasts and how sometimes I may run out of content ideas and it would be extremely helpful to have a group of people to help brainstorm ideas for content. I also think that live streaming could be a good idea as well where we just talk about whatever is on our minds, connect with our viewers, and help bring in new viewers. I come across TikTok lives frequently on my FYP on TikTok and some of them are really entertaining. They don't have to be long and could just be a 15-20 minute casual video. 

Ending Thoughts: 

Seeing everyone's research gave me a different perspective on all of the possibilities for business specific tools. The Dark Sided Strength blog had mentioned that if something isn't negative for your business you might as well do it. If I were to expand the accessible resources for my business it could reach many more people than I had ever anticipated. Having so many outlets can help get ideas for how to improve the business or just reach a different audience on different platforms. I still am eager to look in to. LinkedIn to expand my knowledge of the podcast realm, but I also want to dig deeper into MeetUp and the audio library for Spotify. I always enjoy reading other peoples' blog posts because I continue to get fresh ideas for my own business. It's kind of like the social networking! I'll have to come back with some updates in what I find/create on these platforms. 


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