Week 15 Part A: Google Analytics

         Google Analytics has many features that are helpful to a business. Through some research I found a couple of aspects to analytics that could be beneficial for my business with the first being age and gender metrics. With the start of a business you decide on a target market for your service or product, but analytics is able to tell you who is actually using your product. This is a very helpful feature because once you figure out the biggest audience for the product, you can direct the marketing more towards that audience. 

        Another feature that I would want to check for analytics is view duration. This feature helps understand how long a potential customer is viewing your content. I would want to check this regularly to see how long people are looking at a picture or video that I've posted on social media, how long they spend reading a blog post, etc. If I understand the attention span of viewers I can more effectively communicate my message to them. Why waste time creating a long post if they have a short attention span? I could make the information more concise and effective with the knowledge from this feature. 

        The funnel analysis would also be a good feature to check frequently. The funnel analysis helps to understand the progress from marketing campaigns. This tool can help to figure out how many people are discovering your website, and then how many of those people end up buying a product. I think this feature would benefit my business because it could help me figure out how many people are seeing my podcast versus how many people end up listening to the podcast. If the ratio between who discovers the podcast versus how many end up listening is drastically different, I may need to narrow my target market in posts or change some content of the podcast. 


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