
Week 17: Wrapping It Up

           Before entering this class I wondered why businesses had social medias because I felt that they were just trying to be trendy which is silly since I look back and know now that social media can be a great tool to bring traffic to a business. I've learned that with recognition of the right audience and the knowledge of their preferred platforms you can create social media posts that may draw them in to purchase a product or service from your business. Whether it be through organic searches from potential customers or sponsored advertisements, having an active TikTok, Instagram, Facebook account or whatever platform works best can create some great traffic. I do see a lot more now how powerful social media can be.           I do wish that we had gotten some tips and tricks on how to make our social media accounts as aesthetically pleasing and effective as possible. I posted a lot of different content on Facebook and Instagram, but if I were a person who discovered my page

Week 16 Part B: Building Out the Strategy

 January Outline  Instagram: Make a sponsored post with company logo with brief description of PlayGround Podcast - as an adult you look at the playground and want to be able to slide down those slides or swing on the swings, but everyone thinks it's weird. We've got you. You're not weird. You deserve to play, so join us on the adult playground to talk about a hodgepodge of topics and listen to some sick tunes. *20m post with the creation of an aesthetic photo and writing caption.  TikTok: Brief  30 second video of us sitting in the car listening to a few different songs at the chorus to demonstrate music that will be played. Come jam with us. *30m post - we're going to be jamming out so that'll take a minute, and then the editing of combing the videos together Instagram: Post a photo of a list of the top five concerts that we've been to (including music festivals) and have a caption asking about the best concert that everyone else has been to and maybe ask thei

Week 16 Part A: Developing Marketing Strategy

           Throughout this class we have looked at a variety of outlets through social media that could help amp up a business. For my concept of business, a podcast, it has always made the most sense to use outlets that are more current since podcasts are a more up and coming business. With my target market it makes the most sense to utilize Instagram or Tiktok to accentuate and grow my business. However, I still think Facebook could be am option and I also have come to enjoy some ideas of LinkedIn, but LinkedIn would mostly be used for collaborative work to get ideas and figure out how I can best run the podcast.           I've said before in another post that TikTok is a great platform for many different likes and interests. The most random videos can blow up over night. I've seen people that I've gone to high school with get half a million likes on their videos, and I know that I can make videos that would do the same. It's a platform that you really don't have

Week 15 Part A: Facebook Business Data

           Since I don't have enough followers to see the Facebook business data I had to do some research into what is included in the data. Now I'm not sure if my research is entirely accurate because I have gotten information from a few different resources. Initially, I found that the Facebook data is pretty similar to some features of Google analytics. It tells you the demographics of the likes and views of your page which I really enjoy as it helps you decide how to better market your product or service towards the most popular demographic.           The website Sprout Social wrote a post about how to analyze your data in Facebook analytics where I found out that you can analyze how your competitors are doing. It also gave tips on finding your competitors by finding out who your followers follow. I found this to be a helpful hint. You can also look at how many people your page has reached along with who has engaged with your post. It tells you how many people clicked on yo

Week 15 Part A: Google Analytics

           Google Analytics has many features that are helpful to a business. Through some research I found a couple of aspects to analytics that could be beneficial for my business with the first being age and gender metrics. With the start of a business you decide on a target market for your service or product, but analytics is able to tell you who is actually using your product. This is a very helpful feature because once you figure out the biggest audience for the product, you can direct the marketing more towards that audience.           Another feature that I would want to check for analytics is view duration. This feature helps understand how long a potential customer is viewing your content. I would want to check this regularly to see how long people are looking at a picture or video that I've posted on social media, how long they spend reading a blog post, etc. If I understand the attention span of viewers I can more effectively communicate my message to them. Why waste ti

Week 14: Social Media Management Tools

           I think that social media management tools can be extremely beneficial to a business, especially a small business where one person has to control every aspect of the business. That person can get extremely busy with the goods or services that they are providing, managing their finances, maintaining a website, etc. Social media is basically a necessity for up-and-coming businesses to connect with potential customers, and having to use multiple platforms is just adding the icing on top of the busy cake. I don't even have a real business and found it to be difficult to create consistent posts on Facebook and Instagram. It put in to perspective why when we were doing research about other business's social media use that some of them hadn't had any posts in months or only post a couple times a year.           With the link provided in the assignment post I looked into some of the best social media management tools. The first one on the list was Sprout Social. The firs

Week 13 Part B: Developing Online Advertising

                     For two of my online ads I decided to promote posts that I have already made prior to this exercise. I chose to do this because I've actually seen a lot of start-up businesses doing this to get more traffic on their pages. The formatting seems more casual than creating a whole new ad, and I think this makes a lot of sense for my business since it has a relaxed nature. Both posts are videos/photo montages that briefly describe aspects of the business. The videos aren't so long that a viewer would feel that they wasted their time watching it. When I selected an objective I went for engagement and leads. Even if the videos or my business isn't someone's cup of tea I wanted the goal to be awareness. I think it's important to get your name out there because even if someone may not be interested in my content they may know someone who would be (added bonus if they themselves would enjoy it along with a friend). The other advertisement I went with is t